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OSHA Training: The Importance of Being Properly Trained

The reasons behind why you should have your staff properly trained to handle infectious waste

As an owner of a business or office manger. We understand one of your top priorities is to keep not only yourself safe but your employees as well. If you and your staff handle medical waste on a day to day basis. You want to make sure everyone in the office is properly trained to eliminate any injuries.

Is it really worth it to be properly trained to handle medical waste? Is it important to have you and your employees trained? How do I get proper training? What are the consequences if I am not properly trained? If these are some of the questions you have been pondering don’t worry you’re on the right path.

We will uncover the importance of being properly trained to handle infectious waste and how we can help you get there.

Who is OSHA?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration that outlines safety protection for employees. OSHA regulations are critical to the well being of the workforce. Their goal is to eliminate work illnesses and injuries to lessen the burden to our healthcare system and families who are affected. They provide online training classes so we can help you reduce the possibility of having a workplace injury or illness.

OSHA Training Courses:

What courses should you be focused on if you’re dealing with medial waste? We encourage our clients to specialize in the following courses: Bloodbourne Pathogens, Sharps, HIPPA, and Medical Waste Training.

Bloodeborne pathogens training would apply to any employees who would be coming in contact with blood or other potential infectious materials. The goal is to learn how to eliminate as much contact and exposure to any blood or infectious diseases. Sharps training helps prevent exposure to infectious diseases like Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Not only do sharps injuries cost the healthcare system it also has the emotional toll to the person who has been injured and can be easily prevented. HIPPA training is key to any company to know the proper guidelines and protocol to ensure privacy and security of employees. Anyone that handles protected health information should be trained. Medical Waste training is critical and covers the various types of PPE and how they’re meant to be used to prevent exposure. Anyone in your building who comes in contact with potential infectious diseases should be trained.

Benefits of OSHA Training:

Now you might ask after all the training how is this going to benefit my company? Well, the first and most important benefit is you will have fewer workplace accidents. Your employees will be properly trained to handle the infectious waste that they are coming in contact with. Their safety, which is the most important thing will be in great hands. You have financial benefits as well when your employees have the right tools to succeed. Less injuries or diseases to employees is less money to the healthcare system and your company.

Your company as a whole will be be represented with a higher standard. The employees you bring in and the people that come into your facility will have a high amount of respect for how you handle your company. In doing so you will have a better overall understanding of how to handle hazardous waste in your office and workplace.

How do I get Involved?

The first thing you need to do is evaluate what specific training your company needs. Based on what kind of infectious waste your company produces and what your employees handle on a daily basis. Then you need to figure out who specifically within your company needs to be trained. Give these people the resources to put them in a position to be successful and safe. Your medical waste provider should be able to provide you with online classes.